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CFO Book Review: Leading Change

Leading Change by John P. Kotter Harvard Business School Press (1996) Leading Change was written as a follow up to an article the author wrote for the Harvard Business Review entitled “Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail”. This article received such an...

Whatever Happened to Corporate Stewardship – Rick Wartzman

In November 1956, Time magazine explored a phenomenon that went by various names: “capitalism with a conscience,” “enlightened conservatism,” “people’s capitalism,” and, most popularly, “The New Conservatism.” No matter which label one preferred, the basic concept was...

Joy at Work – A Book Worth Reading

In Joy at Work, Dennis Bakke lays out a philosophy of what the workplace environment should be like. His book challenges entrenched management norms established in the 18th century and still firmly practiced across America. His philosophy proposes a 21st century...

Should Your Business Organize as a Benefit Corporation?

The Washington state legislature passed HB 2239 establishing Social Purpose Corporations on March 6, 2012. It became effective on June 7, 2012. If you care about being a steward of profits, people, partners and places, then this Washington version of the Benefit...

You in Your Community

When American Express’ OPEN Forum encouraged shoppers to participate in a new holiday? Small Business Saturday?back in 2010, they emphasized several facts still valid today. For every $100 you spend at local, independent stores, $68 returns to your community. Only $43...